MedMap is a mobile application designed to guide Users in finding and choosing the proper medicines when travelling.

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What's the use of having MedMap on your mobile?
MedMap has been created to make sure you feel secure while travelling and in need of medicine:

01Write the name of the medicine you use in your country and you get the name of the local equivalent medicine

02Or... you look for the symptom and you get the list of medicines that can help you

03Plus... MedMap supports you in finding the right words to explain health problems when abroad, providing you an essential medical dictionary

We love travelling and to travel safe. That's why a pool of friends with different professional skills in the health and IT sector created Med Map. Doctors, IT specialists and Web designer that decided to bring their knowledge in an APP and on a blog to share with you what we experienced as useful if you get sick and need a medicine when abroad. The MedMap team works day-by-day to improve this database and also the countries where the application follows you. Subscribe to our blog or social networks to be updated on new releases or other updates.